Music and Movement for Babies
Music and Movement for babies and families
Introduction to music through songs of the world and rhythms with clapping

Group singing of tunes from around the world
Integrate rhythm with hand clapping and percussion instruments.
Sharing creative and musical moments with the family
Integrating music as part of learning
Working with babies is one of the things I enjoy most in my life.
When my first daughter Nara was born, 15 years ago, I began a beautiful and intense journey of introspection in my new motherhood, becoming aware of the incredible opportunity to learn daily from these little teachers.
It has been years of lots of love, tenderness, constant trials and exhaustion. I remember very clearly the intensity of a baby's first three years.
Working as an educator in free and active schools has given me valuable tools that I use on a daily basis with both children and adults.
In the music and movement workshops I accompany both babies and moms and dads, from empathy, care and love. I invite you to take a break from "doing" to go into "being" with your babies.
Silencing the mind, opening the senses, enjoying being present in music, joy and the body. Meanwhile, babies are filled with music and healthy energy, listening to melodies from all over the world, accompanying them with rhythmic games that develop their psychomotor skills, and activate different parts of the brain by singing, listening, imitating, tuning, clapping, dancing, etc. By sharing these experiences among families, we create bonds that are nurtured and strengthened at each meeting.
If we integrate music as an element in the daily life of our babies, we will provide them with a powerful tool for expression and creativity, which will positively affect their physical and mental development. Creating a growing self-esteem and a broad way of looking at life.
In the classroom:

For Babies
These are 45-minute sessions for babies between 1 month and 3 years old.
The groups are divided by age, up to one year, from one to two years old and over two years old.
For each age group the dynamics change a little, always maintaining the intention of harmony, presence, enjoyment and nurturing music.
The Music
Providing a musical environment in the first months and years of life can have a clear positive effect on a baby's emotional development.
They develop their motor skills by grasping and playing small instruments, clapping their hands or snapping their fingers.
Listening to the music invites them to move, which connects them with their body and dance, working on balance and expression.

El Canto
It has countless benefits for our babies.
It is of great importance for their intellectual, auditory and sensory development.
Through singing, they learn to observe and coordinate their breathing and can relax or become energized.
They also gradually develop their language, trying out the different vowels and consonants they practice with each song.

Where and When?
One-time workshops
Schedules to be arranged